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Bioenergetics seminar

Sat, 30 Sept



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Bioenergetics seminar
Bioenergetics seminar

Time & Location

30 Sept 2023, 10:00 – 01 Oct 2023, 16:00

Rome, via Guglielmo Albimonte 17

About the event

Bioenergetics is a psycho-corporeal technique that uses breath, body movement and voice to dissolve those energy blocks and the related defense mechanisms that have arisen over the course of life and that have defined our character-muscular structure.

Bioenergetics belongs to Alexander Lowen, an American psychotherapist who developed the Bioenergetic Analysis Approach around the 1950s.

On a physical level, the character-muscular structure creates pains/tensions of which one may or may not be aware.

On a psychological level, this structure creates emotional blocks that can condition our behavior.

This seminar is designed for all those who want to get in touch with themselves, with those tensions and emotions that condition and/or block feeling, living, being themselves and in relation to others.

In the two planned days, through specific individual exercises, in dyads, triads or in groups, through the use of the breath, conscious body movement that releases muscle tension, the voice that releases tension at the level of the internal organs as if it were a deep massage, we will learn to activate a conscious observation of our body, to facilitate the release of physical and emotional tensions and activate one's Vital Energy, one's Divine Flame, the Joy of Living.

Starting to feel your body means starting to live and starting to live means starting to be, to embody your essence, your truth.

Saturday 30 September from 10:00 to 17:00 with 1 hour lunch break

Sunday 1 October from 9:30 to 16:30 with 1 hour lunch break


Elena Parente 

Somato-relational counselor

Bioenergetic analysis

Wellness worker

My experience as an aesthetic consultant has led me to understand over time that behind the continuous search for beauty lies a deep and never expressed need, different for everyone, which leads to an unattainable satisfaction or well-being because it responds to ancient wounds and is reflected in the body.

Here the transition from the search for physical well-being to the search for psycho-physical well-being becomes necessary.

The next step was to integrate my skills in various massage techniques with Bioenergetics.

Facilitating contact with oneself through contact with the body, breath, movement means encouraging a process of release of psycho-physical tensions to make room for everything that due to a series of conditionings we do not "allow" ourselves to feel and manifest .

Starting to listen to your own muscle tensions and learning to release them leads to contacting the deepest emotions, feeling them with the body, in the body, and finally activating that Vital, Creative energy that brings new life to the body and soul.

In this workshop we will have fun discovering our ways and experimenting with a different, more authentic way of being and being in relation to the other.

Value of the seminar : 170 euros.

To reserve your place you need a deposit of 50 euros. 

For wire transfers, contact us and we will give you all the necessary data.

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